Saturday, November 14, 2009

Wow, my first reader suggestion!

And I had a hunch I knew who it'd come from, thanks Wudchuck! As always, my good friends timing couldn't be better. As I sit here on a Saturday morning, watching my oldest daughter take all the crayons out of her crayon box and hide tham all over the living room, I realize that I have about 6 million things I need to do around the house, and I always forget at least half of what I want to get done. So without further ado... - As it sounds, and as I so cleverly aluded to above, this is a site to help you get organized! I only wish I could teach my mother more about being on-line she'd LOVE this site. It takes about 30 seconds to sign up (or 45 if you're me and can't ever type your e-mail address correctly 2x in a row), and then, you even get a personalized site, for example, when I go there now, I am navigating to Super easy to create a new list, and add or delete (Or, as the goal, actually check off items) on each of your lists. You also have the ability to e-mail yourself your lists, and even track any changes to your list that others may make. This is a no frills site, and please don't think that this will really occupy your time, unless you are my above mentioned mother, in which case, a) congratualtions on figuring the Web out, and b) please get some sleep and stop making lists.

Good tool, easy to use and keep, I think a permanent addition to my Web tool box.

On a side note, Wudchuk, I've been kicking around a cool inention for the home, we should talk, as you're much more electronically smarter than I am. I'll let everyone else in on it after we've made our first 5 million.

Time to introduce another semi regular feature. Can it be called semi-regular if this is only the second post? oh well, my blog, my rules. I've already introduced Facebook (to noone was that news, I'm sure) and now I'd like to introduce the LARGEST time killer I've found in a long time KONGREGATE!

Kongregate is a game site, where game developers, or just uber geeks post their new and beta games for people to play. My buddy Zack got me into this site about 8 moths ago, and I haven't looked back since. When you first visit, there are a lot of games tossed at you. A few clicks around, and navigation becomes easier as you get how the site is set out. I recommend looking at 'Popular' games, as opposed to new. I'm not really the trailblazer, and don't have the patience to try games that no one's played yet, but if you go popular, you'll see how many other people have already tried, and rated the game. If you register, you can keep track of your accomplishments, and you get awards, badges, and medals for completing certain games or challenges. That's half the fun, and there's a new feature where someone will sponsor a contest, and to be entered you have to win multiple badges across numerous games. OK, so that's a brief intro to the site, what I'll be doing periodically is reviewing (or mocking) a game that I've played on the site.

Kongregate game of the moment - Batallion:Nemesis - Turn based combat game (Sorry, but these really are one of my fav's, so you may see alot of these). Start with Boot Camp, takes about 5 minutes to learn all the things you need. It's a fairly basic game, logic and tactics, your troops and tanks against theirs. Easy game play, nice simple graphics, good challenge at the higher levels and difficulty settings. There is a sequel, with similar, but slightly more advanced, game play, and it's a bit harder of a game early on. Batallion:Nemesis is really a classic turn based combat game. You have unlimited time to make your moves and take your shots, but the challenge comes in knowing what the enemy is going to do. Once your turn ends, you are at their mercy! I've lost more than one level thinking I'm clever (or clevy) only to then watch my tanks and troops get picked off one by one because I missed something. Good times, fun, and is a good 'break' game with each level only taking 3-10 minutes, so you don't have to commit a lot of time (but you will). 4 of 5 stars (I really need to come up with a better rating system, unique to me....suggestions?)

Facebook App of the moment - Island Paradise. OK, so it's really just Farmville on a tropical island. Similar game play, a few different features, but if you like F'ville, it's a nice change of pAAAce. Plus, in this one, you get to steal stuff from your neighbors (instert maniacal laugh here)

OK, off to maybe accomplish one of the items on my LIST!

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