Sunday, December 6, 2009

That readership drive seems to have gotten a flat! Oh well, can't win em' all.

Its a sad day in Blog land when I can't get a single reader suggestion.  Oh, fine, I'll do the work part myself.  I'll go SEARCH the web for something to amuse me. pfft.  Damn, I hate exerting my own effort.  Is that redundant?  oh well, you're captive anyway, so I could be as redundantly repetitively repeating as I want. so there.

What have I recently found on the web?  Well, since we're rapidly approaching the holidays, and, as every year in recent memory, I've forgotten to take time to shop, it's off the the interwebs we go!  There's the obvious - Amazon,, Yahoo Shopping and your various brick and mortar store websites, but that wouldn't really be the point of reading my soothing prose, now would it.  My newest find is Todays Deal of the Day.  This site searches the web for all the best deals from sites like and 1 sale a and organizes them all in one place.  The only down side is that each site I looked at off this page requires their own registration.  Nothing bad, the normal name, e-mail, etc, but it's a lot of passwords and log-ins to keep track of.  It does even pull down some of the daily deals from Amazon and other better known sites, but the timing seems to be spotty on those. 

I'm a long time fan of the Woot network, and have bought WAAAY too many items on these sites.  My good friend Spanky and I have often longed for the mystical 'Bag-o-crap' that they sell everyonce in awhile, but have been so far unsuccessful.  What you ask is a 'Bag-o-crap'?  Well, you don't know until you order, and it's usually only 1 penny.  But, based on what we've seen from the lucky few who have won, or read on the blogs for the site, it's anything from a can of sweet corn (Not kidding, that's hilarious) to a dvd player.  The Woot Network (,,, is usually a good stop in the morning, to see what's up that day.  Concept is simple, 1 item (unless there's a woot off), for a good price.  Once it's sold out, the site is done for the day.  Shipping is always $5, which can be a pain when buying a timy memory card, but damn nice when you buy 2 international adapter sets with all the attachments and carrying cases (Both actual purchases by yours truly).

Or, as my jedi master MW asked - 'Have you heard of this E-Bay thing?'

Happy trails on the Interwebs my friends.