People are reading me! OK, so I know I’m up to 3, but that’s a 300% increase from before! OK, I have now used my math quota for the day, and am safely done.
Big blog this week, since I MUST celebrate the massive increase in readership!
So what’s new this post? Well, I not only have a new reader (or new commenter anyway), but he’s a kind soul who wants us to prosper and be happy. A few of my Facebook App recommendations have been provided by a company, Zynga. Faithful reader Q has brought to my attention some naughtiness on the part of Zynga. How this hasn’t been plastered all over Facebook previously just show’s how sneaky Zynga was (Or, adversely, how smart Q is…no, has to be sneakiness on Zynga’s part). So they basically have been posting ads for ANYTHING, even if they are obvious scams and/or against Facebook rules. Read more here.
I’ll take this as a great lead-in to some free unsolicited advice. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE think very long and hard before you ever pay money in any of these Apps. Even those that are just ‘visit this site for more FarmBucks (insert generic money in game here)’ pay attention. They aren’t all as bad as the ones formerly on the Zynga ads (See above if you are confused) but they can be spam, lead to more spam in your inbox, and are just all around a pain. And if you are using the PayPal or credit card options to buy more generic game money…..really, go outside, breathe some fresh air, and GET A FREAKIN GRIP! None of these games are that good that you’d actually need to pay to play more.
OK, Today’s user submitted site (Woo Hoo) : Delicious - OOH, I don’t like this, it’s stealing my idea! Well, actually I guess they were here first, and are all professional and stuff, so really I’m stealing some of their…nothing, never mind. OK, going to attack this one from 2 sides. First cool feature, for anyone who has used Internet Explorer’s ‘Favorites Bar’ Suggested Sites finder feature, this site is WAY BETTER! It’s not based on what you surf, as the IE one is, but instead is based on what’s hot right now, and what people are searching for. You can also search by category, i.e. Tech, News, Art, etc, and see what folks are looking at, and where they’re surfing for those topics. Second feature, which is great for folks like me with a work laptop/pc and a home laptop/pc, is the store your bookmarks feature. This is a Yahoo product, so, similar to Flickr, you just use your yahoo ID and pswd and you are signed in. You then save your bookmarks (Import feature too, but it’s a bit of a pain). You can log in now from any PC, and go to your delicious page, and get all your bookmarks. 5 out of 5 stars since now I’ll be able to save all my Amuse Me bookmarks in one place!
Facebook App of the moment : Addicted to XX. OK so this is really a whole series of Apps, hosted by ‘TVLoop’. It’s really just a place to talk about, quiz about, see photo’s about, or take a trivia challenge about your favorite TV shows and Movies. I’m not going to say it’s addictive, but I’ve actually answered ALL the trivia questions for ‘The Princess Bride’ and have 29410 points in trivia (it’s 10 points for a correct answer, your turn to do the math). If you find your show right away, I suggest clicking on ‘more’ along the top above the title bar. The list is darn near endless of trivia you could play. They have TV, Movies, Sports, Countries. They have Rugby…Rugby trivia. Who knows that much about Rugby? (Based on my answers to the first 4 questions…not me). So I’m currently Addicted to 7 different things, and have made a good dent in all of them. The questions are all user submitted, but have been pretty accurate, bad grammar aside. If you do find a bad one, there is a report button, and so far they’ve been pretty well policed. Warning – I’ve lost hours to this App, only to be frustrated by how little I know about some of my favorite TV shows. And I’m still waiting on the Fraggle Rock page! 3 of 5 stars, just because I do get annoyed at the fact that the user submitted questions aren’t re-written if they contain bad grammar, and I hate LOL speak.
Kongregate Game of the moment : Dragon Age: Journeys. A plug for the new XBOX/PS3 game Dragon Age: Origins, and you can win in game content while playing this, but it’s fun, pretty easy, and of course, Turn Based Combat (yippee). Obviously, with professional studios behind it, it’s a little more in depth than your average congregate game, but not by much, and not enough to make you feel like you’re in a deeper, more in depth game. It’s an easy point and click interface, with easy to understand instructions. Combat is pretty simple, and not too challenging (I’ve died twice in 2 hours), but it’s fun, and as always, you want to see what’s next. Probably not a big challenge for a serious gamer, but good for 10-15 minutes. 3 of 5 stars. Good game play, but not a challenge.
OK, be good, have fun surfing, and I'm still drawing a blank on a Amuse Me blog unique rating system. Maybe we'll have to wait until the 10 follower mark for that one!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Blup Blup Necopie? Only in Brooklyn
OK faithful reader (Still singular based on the comments the ole' blog has gotten) wecome back!
today we're going to go high level into a few amusing sites that should have existed when me and my boys were all at NCC (The College Years). Or, now that I think a little harder, maybe it's a good thing these sites DIDN'T exist. as we'd have gotten even LESS work done. I've found these on my own (read previous bitter statement about my singular reader comment), but thought I'd share, as they definetly amused me. the list - short and sweet :
People of Wal-Mart : Ok, so I'm convinced that the guys running this site are total ass-bags, but I guess I must be part ass-bag, since I still look at the site every few days, and LOVE laughing at my fellow 'intelligent' mammals. Just pics, snapped at Wal-Marts around the country, highlighting (low lighting?) some of the people who share our oxygen, that either don't own mirrors, or simply don't care. The scary thing, pay attention to the 'where' under the pic...I guarentee you'll find one or two near you! A very Guilty 4 stars.
This is Photo Bomb : A site that was actually designed with one of my masked compadres in mind I think. This is a collection of user submitted pictures where someone 'hi-jacked' the photo by jumping in, or being in the background when they are obviously not supposed to be in there! Some stupid, or not funny, others are roll on the floor hilarious, with everything in between. The occasional NSFW, but not too bad (see today's top that a thong?). 5 stars, just becuase I expected to see my friend Ace in every other picture.
There, I Fixed it:Epic Kludges and Jury Rigs : Idiots of the world, UNITE! This is photo's of accidents waiting to happen, fires in the making, or injuries just around the corner. From the garden hose shower, to the many, many plumbing failures, these pics make event the worst handiman feel good about his or her efforts! Not as funny to go through, as I think the approval of pics is pretty lax, i.e. a lot of the pics leave me scratching my head on how they fit the topic, but still worth a chuckle. And, it might make you think twice next time you reach for the duct tape and zip ties. 2 1/2 stars on this one.
Still looking for suggestions on a rating scale. Stars are so over done! It's been a light week for me on the interwebs, too much work and not enough play makes me something something.... Go Crazy? DON'T MIND IF I DO!
Facebook App of the post : Treasure Hunter - Oooh, I'm almost as addicted to this one as I am to Farmville! Very simple game play, you're an explorer, and as you explore, you either find artifacts, fruit, money, or mini-games. Of course, why wouldn't you find mini-games? The mini games are easy, but do get more difficult as you level up. I'm only about 1% done with the game, so it's HUGE. As with many games, you can only do so much before you are out of something, 'Health Points' in this case. Of course, you can pay money, or visit advertisers for additional HP, but, this game does have a relatively fast refresh rate, so if you use your HP up (could be as fast as 2 minutes, could go as long as 10, dpenending on how much fruit you find) you can go surf other sites (hint hint...see above), and you'll be fully charged in 30 minutes or so. 5 stars on this one, only detractor is when I'm unlucky and go through my HP too fast.
Kongregate Game of the post : Gem Craft - This is a great game. I blame my brother for getting my addicted to this one, and he doesn't even know how. This is a tower defense type game, i.e. build a tower, make it poserful, then shoot bad guys that go past. Game play is great in that level 1 is pretty easy, then it get's increasingly, but not ridiculously, harder with each level. You should figure out tricks and tactics for yourself, but the help button takes you to another site with some great user and developer suggestions. There are a lot of similar games, some better, a lot worse, but this one has an ease of play, and is graphically simple but not boring, and can keep you interested for a long time. Also easy to adjust how long you play, as one map usually only take a few tries at a few minutes each, and then you can save and come back later...and again and again and again. 4 1/2 Stars.
today we're going to go high level into a few amusing sites that should have existed when me and my boys were all at NCC (The College Years). Or, now that I think a little harder, maybe it's a good thing these sites DIDN'T exist. as we'd have gotten even LESS work done. I've found these on my own (read previous bitter statement about my singular reader comment), but thought I'd share, as they definetly amused me. the list - short and sweet :
People of Wal-Mart : Ok, so I'm convinced that the guys running this site are total ass-bags, but I guess I must be part ass-bag, since I still look at the site every few days, and LOVE laughing at my fellow 'intelligent' mammals. Just pics, snapped at Wal-Marts around the country, highlighting (low lighting?) some of the people who share our oxygen, that either don't own mirrors, or simply don't care. The scary thing, pay attention to the 'where' under the pic...I guarentee you'll find one or two near you! A very Guilty 4 stars.
This is Photo Bomb : A site that was actually designed with one of my masked compadres in mind I think. This is a collection of user submitted pictures where someone 'hi-jacked' the photo by jumping in, or being in the background when they are obviously not supposed to be in there! Some stupid, or not funny, others are roll on the floor hilarious, with everything in between. The occasional NSFW, but not too bad (see today's top that a thong?). 5 stars, just becuase I expected to see my friend Ace in every other picture.
There, I Fixed it:Epic Kludges and Jury Rigs : Idiots of the world, UNITE! This is photo's of accidents waiting to happen, fires in the making, or injuries just around the corner. From the garden hose shower, to the many, many plumbing failures, these pics make event the worst handiman feel good about his or her efforts! Not as funny to go through, as I think the approval of pics is pretty lax, i.e. a lot of the pics leave me scratching my head on how they fit the topic, but still worth a chuckle. And, it might make you think twice next time you reach for the duct tape and zip ties. 2 1/2 stars on this one.
Still looking for suggestions on a rating scale. Stars are so over done! It's been a light week for me on the interwebs, too much work and not enough play makes me something something.... Go Crazy? DON'T MIND IF I DO!
Facebook App of the post : Treasure Hunter - Oooh, I'm almost as addicted to this one as I am to Farmville! Very simple game play, you're an explorer, and as you explore, you either find artifacts, fruit, money, or mini-games. Of course, why wouldn't you find mini-games? The mini games are easy, but do get more difficult as you level up. I'm only about 1% done with the game, so it's HUGE. As with many games, you can only do so much before you are out of something, 'Health Points' in this case. Of course, you can pay money, or visit advertisers for additional HP, but, this game does have a relatively fast refresh rate, so if you use your HP up (could be as fast as 2 minutes, could go as long as 10, dpenending on how much fruit you find) you can go surf other sites (hint hint...see above), and you'll be fully charged in 30 minutes or so. 5 stars on this one, only detractor is when I'm unlucky and go through my HP too fast.
Kongregate Game of the post : Gem Craft - This is a great game. I blame my brother for getting my addicted to this one, and he doesn't even know how. This is a tower defense type game, i.e. build a tower, make it poserful, then shoot bad guys that go past. Game play is great in that level 1 is pretty easy, then it get's increasingly, but not ridiculously, harder with each level. You should figure out tricks and tactics for yourself, but the help button takes you to another site with some great user and developer suggestions. There are a lot of similar games, some better, a lot worse, but this one has an ease of play, and is graphically simple but not boring, and can keep you interested for a long time. Also easy to adjust how long you play, as one map usually only take a few tries at a few minutes each, and then you can save and come back later...and again and again and again. 4 1/2 Stars.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Wow, my first reader suggestion!
And I had a hunch I knew who it'd come from, thanks Wudchuck! As always, my good friends timing couldn't be better. As I sit here on a Saturday morning, watching my oldest daughter take all the crayons out of her crayon box and hide tham all over the living room, I realize that I have about 6 million things I need to do around the house, and I always forget at least half of what I want to get done. So without further ado... - As it sounds, and as I so cleverly aluded to above, this is a site to help you get organized! I only wish I could teach my mother more about being on-line she'd LOVE this site. It takes about 30 seconds to sign up (or 45 if you're me and can't ever type your e-mail address correctly 2x in a row), and then, you even get a personalized site, for example, when I go there now, I am navigating to Super easy to create a new list, and add or delete (Or, as the goal, actually check off items) on each of your lists. You also have the ability to e-mail yourself your lists, and even track any changes to your list that others may make. This is a no frills site, and please don't think that this will really occupy your time, unless you are my above mentioned mother, in which case, a) congratualtions on figuring the Web out, and b) please get some sleep and stop making lists.
Good tool, easy to use and keep, I think a permanent addition to my Web tool box.
On a side note, Wudchuk, I've been kicking around a cool inention for the home, we should talk, as you're much more electronically smarter than I am. I'll let everyone else in on it after we've made our first 5 million.
Time to introduce another semi regular feature. Can it be called semi-regular if this is only the second post? oh well, my blog, my rules. I've already introduced Facebook (to noone was that news, I'm sure) and now I'd like to introduce the LARGEST time killer I've found in a long time KONGREGATE!
Kongregate is a game site, where game developers, or just uber geeks post their new and beta games for people to play. My buddy Zack got me into this site about 8 moths ago, and I haven't looked back since. When you first visit, there are a lot of games tossed at you. A few clicks around, and navigation becomes easier as you get how the site is set out. I recommend looking at 'Popular' games, as opposed to new. I'm not really the trailblazer, and don't have the patience to try games that no one's played yet, but if you go popular, you'll see how many other people have already tried, and rated the game. If you register, you can keep track of your accomplishments, and you get awards, badges, and medals for completing certain games or challenges. That's half the fun, and there's a new feature where someone will sponsor a contest, and to be entered you have to win multiple badges across numerous games. OK, so that's a brief intro to the site, what I'll be doing periodically is reviewing (or mocking) a game that I've played on the site.
Kongregate game of the moment - Batallion:Nemesis - Turn based combat game (Sorry, but these really are one of my fav's, so you may see alot of these). Start with Boot Camp, takes about 5 minutes to learn all the things you need. It's a fairly basic game, logic and tactics, your troops and tanks against theirs. Easy game play, nice simple graphics, good challenge at the higher levels and difficulty settings. There is a sequel, with similar, but slightly more advanced, game play, and it's a bit harder of a game early on. Batallion:Nemesis is really a classic turn based combat game. You have unlimited time to make your moves and take your shots, but the challenge comes in knowing what the enemy is going to do. Once your turn ends, you are at their mercy! I've lost more than one level thinking I'm clever (or clevy) only to then watch my tanks and troops get picked off one by one because I missed something. Good times, fun, and is a good 'break' game with each level only taking 3-10 minutes, so you don't have to commit a lot of time (but you will). 4 of 5 stars (I really need to come up with a better rating system, unique to me....suggestions?)
Facebook App of the moment - Island Paradise. OK, so it's really just Farmville on a tropical island. Similar game play, a few different features, but if you like F'ville, it's a nice change of pAAAce. Plus, in this one, you get to steal stuff from your neighbors (instert maniacal laugh here)
OK, off to maybe accomplish one of the items on my LIST! - As it sounds, and as I so cleverly aluded to above, this is a site to help you get organized! I only wish I could teach my mother more about being on-line she'd LOVE this site. It takes about 30 seconds to sign up (or 45 if you're me and can't ever type your e-mail address correctly 2x in a row), and then, you even get a personalized site, for example, when I go there now, I am navigating to Super easy to create a new list, and add or delete (Or, as the goal, actually check off items) on each of your lists. You also have the ability to e-mail yourself your lists, and even track any changes to your list that others may make. This is a no frills site, and please don't think that this will really occupy your time, unless you are my above mentioned mother, in which case, a) congratualtions on figuring the Web out, and b) please get some sleep and stop making lists.
Good tool, easy to use and keep, I think a permanent addition to my Web tool box.
On a side note, Wudchuk, I've been kicking around a cool inention for the home, we should talk, as you're much more electronically smarter than I am. I'll let everyone else in on it after we've made our first 5 million.
Time to introduce another semi regular feature. Can it be called semi-regular if this is only the second post? oh well, my blog, my rules. I've already introduced Facebook (to noone was that news, I'm sure) and now I'd like to introduce the LARGEST time killer I've found in a long time KONGREGATE!
Kongregate is a game site, where game developers, or just uber geeks post their new and beta games for people to play. My buddy Zack got me into this site about 8 moths ago, and I haven't looked back since. When you first visit, there are a lot of games tossed at you. A few clicks around, and navigation becomes easier as you get how the site is set out. I recommend looking at 'Popular' games, as opposed to new. I'm not really the trailblazer, and don't have the patience to try games that no one's played yet, but if you go popular, you'll see how many other people have already tried, and rated the game. If you register, you can keep track of your accomplishments, and you get awards, badges, and medals for completing certain games or challenges. That's half the fun, and there's a new feature where someone will sponsor a contest, and to be entered you have to win multiple badges across numerous games. OK, so that's a brief intro to the site, what I'll be doing periodically is reviewing (or mocking) a game that I've played on the site.
Kongregate game of the moment - Batallion:Nemesis - Turn based combat game (Sorry, but these really are one of my fav's, so you may see alot of these). Start with Boot Camp, takes about 5 minutes to learn all the things you need. It's a fairly basic game, logic and tactics, your troops and tanks against theirs. Easy game play, nice simple graphics, good challenge at the higher levels and difficulty settings. There is a sequel, with similar, but slightly more advanced, game play, and it's a bit harder of a game early on. Batallion:Nemesis is really a classic turn based combat game. You have unlimited time to make your moves and take your shots, but the challenge comes in knowing what the enemy is going to do. Once your turn ends, you are at their mercy! I've lost more than one level thinking I'm clever (or clevy) only to then watch my tanks and troops get picked off one by one because I missed something. Good times, fun, and is a good 'break' game with each level only taking 3-10 minutes, so you don't have to commit a lot of time (but you will). 4 of 5 stars (I really need to come up with a better rating system, unique to me....suggestions?)
Facebook App of the moment - Island Paradise. OK, so it's really just Farmville on a tropical island. Similar game play, a few different features, but if you like F'ville, it's a nice change of pAAAce. Plus, in this one, you get to steal stuff from your neighbors (instert maniacal laugh here)
OK, off to maybe accomplish one of the items on my LIST!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
First day of the new adventure...
Why am I changing this blog? Well, honestly, I obviously wasn't writing the old one very darn often, so I figured I'd try something else to see if it holds my attention a little better. What am I doing here? Well, I love to surf the net, but realized that I always went to the same 3 or 4 sites. That's boring, there are literally millions of sites out there that HAVE to be somewhat entertaining.
But, how can I help you, Chris? I'm very glad you asked. Send me notes and comments about what sites you go to or you've found to be entertaining. I'll check them out, and write about them. Then hopefully, once we gather a few more readers than just my 2 faithful readers, we'll get enough input that folks will learn about new sites to waste time on.
So, let's get started: (easy ones to start with)
Facebook : The social networking site that's sweeping the nation...blah blah blah. OK, so everyone's heard of Facebook. If not, I'm guessing you're not actually aware of what the internet is, and have never owned anything more advanced than a stapeler (manual, not electric). IT's a great way to catch up with friends from the old neighborhood, grade and high school, college, work, and meet new friends. It's got it's good points, such as ease of use, interesting games and applications, huge following, but it's got some issues too. The recent changes making everyones new friends and new groups visable to all their friends junks up my view, and makes it harder for me to keep up with my friends true status changes. All of this can be followed all over the web, even on numerous groups in FB itself. However, I'm going to talk about a specific addiction on Facebook...Apps! I'll probably revisit this topic form time to time as I find new ones to waste my time. Today's favorites are FarmVille and CastleAge.
FarmVille: You get to be a virtual farmer, and grow crops and raise animals and trees. OK, so it sounds cheesy, but it's strangely addictive. There is a great 'Awards' system, where you have goals to achieve, such as number of crops grown, animals found and raised, etc. It becomes fun to try to get to the next award, and compare yourself to your friends. An old feature getting more life within the App is the appearance of 'season' items and animals. My favorite, possibly cooresponding to the re-make of 'V' on ABC, was the introduction of Crop Circles, and Alien cows. I've never laughted harder at a computer game then the first time I bought a green cow with anntennae that gives me 'Milkutonium' when harvested. Astonishingly easy to use and weirdle addictive. You'll find yourself checking your farm everytime you log on.
CastleAge: Fight against monsters, dragons, warriors and the like while earning money and experiance to grow your own Kingdom. Not a very mentally challenging game, very little strategy or skill, but with some of the new features added recently, it's worth a look. The addition of LARGE monsters to defeat, you are almost forced to reachout for friends or make new ones, as some of the beasties take literally thousands of hits to die. You buy castles and marketplaces to gain income, you gain or buy equipment and magic items as you go to strengthen your army and allow you to beat bigger and badder evil doers. Easy, mindless, great way to lose 20-25 minutes at a time.
Well, bloggers, that's it for this post, let me know what you'd like to check out next!
But, how can I help you, Chris? I'm very glad you asked. Send me notes and comments about what sites you go to or you've found to be entertaining. I'll check them out, and write about them. Then hopefully, once we gather a few more readers than just my 2 faithful readers, we'll get enough input that folks will learn about new sites to waste time on.
So, let's get started: (easy ones to start with)
Facebook : The social networking site that's sweeping the nation...blah blah blah. OK, so everyone's heard of Facebook. If not, I'm guessing you're not actually aware of what the internet is, and have never owned anything more advanced than a stapeler (manual, not electric). IT's a great way to catch up with friends from the old neighborhood, grade and high school, college, work, and meet new friends. It's got it's good points, such as ease of use, interesting games and applications, huge following, but it's got some issues too. The recent changes making everyones new friends and new groups visable to all their friends junks up my view, and makes it harder for me to keep up with my friends true status changes. All of this can be followed all over the web, even on numerous groups in FB itself. However, I'm going to talk about a specific addiction on Facebook...Apps! I'll probably revisit this topic form time to time as I find new ones to waste my time. Today's favorites are FarmVille and CastleAge.
FarmVille: You get to be a virtual farmer, and grow crops and raise animals and trees. OK, so it sounds cheesy, but it's strangely addictive. There is a great 'Awards' system, where you have goals to achieve, such as number of crops grown, animals found and raised, etc. It becomes fun to try to get to the next award, and compare yourself to your friends. An old feature getting more life within the App is the appearance of 'season' items and animals. My favorite, possibly cooresponding to the re-make of 'V' on ABC, was the introduction of Crop Circles, and Alien cows. I've never laughted harder at a computer game then the first time I bought a green cow with anntennae that gives me 'Milkutonium' when harvested. Astonishingly easy to use and weirdle addictive. You'll find yourself checking your farm everytime you log on.
CastleAge: Fight against monsters, dragons, warriors and the like while earning money and experiance to grow your own Kingdom. Not a very mentally challenging game, very little strategy or skill, but with some of the new features added recently, it's worth a look. The addition of LARGE monsters to defeat, you are almost forced to reachout for friends or make new ones, as some of the beasties take literally thousands of hits to die. You buy castles and marketplaces to gain income, you gain or buy equipment and magic items as you go to strengthen your army and allow you to beat bigger and badder evil doers. Easy, mindless, great way to lose 20-25 minutes at a time.
Well, bloggers, that's it for this post, let me know what you'd like to check out next!
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