Thursday, February 7, 2008

It's true, I used steroids, I wanted to be able to mow the lawn in under 6 seconds flat!

OK, since you all know me (I'm assuming no one else will read this tripe), I'm just going to warn you up front that when I give an opinion, on politics, the weather, or how hot Lea Thompson was in 1986, just bear with me, it's just an opinion. I'm VERY happy that you also have one, and even happy that it'll probably differ from mine, but trying to change my opinion with your own opinion, won't work. Now, FACTS are something different alltogether. My good friend (hope he still thinks so) Duch is a GREAT example of this. I had an opinion, he differed, and sent me some FACTS. Now, he didn't change my mind, but he did make my feelings a little less severe. OK, set-up aside, my first bitch session in the blogosphere....

Can someone, ANYONE, please explain to me what the United States Congress has to do with Baseball and steroids? We are in the middle of a war (Which I support), we have a roller coaster economy (Which I know nothing about) we are entering a historical Presidential race, and all I am hearing that comgress can seem to accomplish is meeting after meeting on Steroids and HGH in baseball.

I'm not saying that I think that Steroids and HGH aren't bad, they are, baseball needs to get on the ball and take care of it. Certain athletes feelings aside, I DO happen to think that you are a role-model. If you don't want it, don't play the game. But, I'm unsure why our tax dollars (That's who payd for congress, and congressional lawyers, and the buildings they use, even the pens they write with) are being used on this issue. All I can think of is that some senator wanted Clemons' autograph so he figured he find a reason to get them to Washington. Seriously, there is nothing better that our congress can work on? Last time I checked (which was not too recently, admittedly) Oil is somewhere in the $90 range, unemployment claims sit about 350k a month, the US dollar is still in a moderate freefall, we have kids pulling guns on teachers, malls being used for target practice, teachers leaving the profession in record numbers, but my elected officials are worried about who took steroids 10 years ago?!

My message to the next President of the United States, whomever that will be."My vote will go to the candidate who will put the govermnet back on a track of governing and leading this country, not providing for those with the most contributions and the ability to give you the most press headlines."

Thus endth my ranting for the day...


Shel said...

It's a good message, unfortunately I do not think the right people are listening.

B20 said...

Drugs are bad...Mmmm-kay

Ace said...

While I think your point has some validity, it's also true that all of the progress made in getting baseball's union to agree to toughen up the testing is ONLY in place because Congress got involved. Without that bad publicity and pressure, Fehr & Co. would never have agreed to any changes.

So, while it is most definitely grandstanding on the part of Capitol Hill, there have been some positive effects.

Welcome to the blogosphere chief.

cubbieblue17 said...

I of course need to chime in with...its C-l-e-m-e-n-s. Otherwise, I agree. To much time being wasted on this