Thursday, September 25, 2008

Shel for President -

OK, so my one reader may remember that I've had a few interesting debates with my good friend Shel. Well NOT TODAY MISTER!

I have been kicking around writing my thoughts about the bailout plan, and the state of our eceonomy, and out namby pamby excuses and blame game (Yes, I used namby pamby in a sentance, and I'm proud of it), and all I manage to do is get all worked up and too pissed to write.

Then today, I'm checking out my friends blogs, and lo and behold, I see Ms. Shels. Go, read it NOW

While there may be a few differences of opinions around the edges, I agree 10000% with the basic sentiment. This is not any ONE persons fault folks, stop looking for a scapegoat, there ain't one. It's EVERYONES fault who bought something they couldn't afford on credit, or just HAD to have that huge SUV they couldn't afford. Suck it up folks. Unless you have no debt, and are living 100% within your means, you are part of what caused this, so stop trying to pass the buck.

We will get through this, and we'll hopefully get through this smarter. And if you don't learn anything, then at least I'll be happier knowing I did.


Shel said...

Gosh, I feel so special... but now I have to think of something for us to argue about...

Dave said...

I fully disagree. This whole thing is your fault.

Ace said...

Meant to mention this previously but she'll never get elected once her family history is revealed.